Distance Sales Agreement


Title: DC Import Export Real Estate Limited Company
Address: Kozyatağı, İbrahim Ağa Sk. No:14,kat9 No30 34742 Kadıköy/Istanbul
Phone: 533 591 87 95
Email: info@orchidlands.com

Address :


The subject of this agreement is the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of the Consumer No. 6502 regarding the sale and delivery of the product, the qualities and sales price of which are specified below, which the CONSUMER has ordered electronically from the www.orchidlands.com website.

3.1- The name, quantity, sales price including VAT, payment method and basic qualifications of the goods or services subject to the contract
3.2- Payment Method:
3.3- Delivery Method and Address:

Delivery address :
Delivery Person:
Billing address :
Packaging, shipping and delivery costs are covered by the CONSUMER. The shipping fee is 0-TL and the shipping price is added to the total amount of the order. It is not included in the product price. The delivery will be delivered by hand at the above-mentioned address of the CONSUMER via the YURTİÇİ KARGO company. Even if the CONSUMER is not at the address at the time of delivery, the SELLER will be deemed to have fulfilled its performance fully and completely. Therefore, the SELLER is not responsible for the damages and expenses arising from the late delivery and/or non-delivery of the product by the CONSUMER. The SELLER is responsible for the delivery of the contracted product in a solid, complete manner, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.


The CONSUMER has the right to withdraw from this Distance Sales Contract signed with the SELLER within 14 (fourteen) days without giving any reason and without paying any penalty. The period of the right of withdrawal, in contracts related to the performance of service, the day the contract is established; In contracts for the delivery of goods, it starts on the day the CONSUMER or the third person determined by the CONSUMER receives the goods. In case the right of withdrawal is exercised, the CONSUMER is obliged to send the purchased product(s) to the SELLER via YURTİÇİ KARGO company within 10 days after the withdrawal notification is directed to the SELLER. However, the CONSUMER may use the right of withdrawal within the period from the conclusion of the contract to the delivery of the goods. In determining the period of the right of withdrawal;
a) In the case of goods that are the subject of a single order and delivered separately, the day on which the CONSUMER or the third party determined by the CONSUMER receives the last goods,
b) For goods consisting of more than one piece, the day when the CONSUMER or the third party determined by the CONSUMER receives the last piece,
c) In contracts where the goods are delivered regularly for a certain period of time, the day on which the CONSUMER or the third party determined by the CONSUMER receives the first goods is taken as a basis.
The consumer cannot use the right of withdrawal in the following contracts:
a) Contracts for goods or services whose prices change depending on the fluctuations in the financial markets and which are not under the control of the SELLER or the provider.
b) Contracts for goods prepared in line with the consumer's wishes or personal needs.
c) Contracts for the delivery of perishable or expired goods.
ç) From the goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; Contracts for the delivery of those whose return is unsuitable in terms of health and hygiene.
d) Contracts for goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature.
e) Contracts for books, digital content and computer consumables offered in material environment, in case the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after the delivery of the goods.
f) Contracts for the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, excluding those provided under the subscription contract.
g) Contracts for accommodation, transportation of goods, car rental, food and beverage supply and the use of leisure time for entertainment or rest, which must be made on a certain date or period.
ğ) Contracts regarding services performed instantly in electronic environment or intangible goods delivered instantly to the CONSUMER.
h) Contracts regarding the services that are started to be performed with the approval of the CONSUMER, before the expiry of the right of withdrawal.

5.1- The CONSUMER declares that he has read the preliminary information about the product subject to the contract on the website www.orchidlands.com and is informed and gives the necessary confirmation in electronic environment.
5.2- The product will be delivered within 30 days at the latest from the date of the contract.
5.3- If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the CONSUMER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.
5.4- The SELLER is responsible for the delivery of the contracted product in a solid, complete manner, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.
5.5- For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, the price of this contract must be paid in the form of payment preferred by the CONSUMER. If, for any reason, the product price is not paid or canceled in the bank records, the SELLER is deemed to be relieved of its obligation to deliver the product.
5.6- If the relevant bank or financial institution fails to pay the product price to the SELLER due to the unfair or unlawful use of the credit card of the CONSUMER after the delivery of the product by unauthorized persons, not due to the fault of the CONSUMER, provided that the product has been delivered to the CONSUMER. It must be sent to the SELLER.
5.7- If the CONSUMER has any complaints about the product and/or order subject to the order, he/she may submit his/her complaints to the SELLER via the contact information specified below or the contact information specified on the www.orchidlands.com website. Complaints submitted by the BUYER will be immediately recorded, evaluated by the authorized units and tried to be resolved, and the CONSUMER will be returned as soon as possible.

In disputes that may arise regarding this contract; For disputes up to the value declared by the Ministry of Customs and Trade every year, the Provincial or District Consumer Arbitration Committees in the place where the CONSUMER transaction is made or where the CONSUMER resides, and the Consumer Courts in the place where the CONSUMER transaction is made or where the CONSUMER residence is located, in case of disputes over the said value. In disputes that may arise regarding this contract; Turkish Courts are authorized; The applicable law is Turkish Law. In case the order is completed, the CONSUMER is deemed to have read, understood and accepted all the terms of this contract.




History :