It has been known as a symbol of abundance and prosperity from past to present. It is preferred indoors and outdoors. After its roots are attached to the soil, it does not rot easily and can regrow.   


It needs direct sunlight for growth and development. Being in the shade does not contribute to its development.

Since it is a Mediterranean climate plant, it loves heat and sheds its leaves in cold environments. Its development slows down. As long as the maintenance conditions are good, it can reach up to 2 meters. Irrigation should be done as the soil dries.


Starlice plant represents love and freedom. The reason why it is known as the bird of paradise in the society is that the flower that blooms is very beautiful. This uniquely beautiful flower opened by starlices that have reached the age of 7-10 is very popular. In its homeland, South Africa, it is called "crane beak" because of the flower with this opening.

The bird of paradise plant, which adds a tropical effect to its environment with its wide and showy leaves, is among the most preferred indoor plants. The bird of paradise plant, which adapts to almost all types of light except direct sunlight, can be grown indoors in almost all rooms with this feature.

Your Starlice plant is very sensitive to irrigation water. It is recommended to use drinking water. The use of tap water may cause darkening of the leaves due to the lime in it. 

The uniquely beautiful flowers of the Starlice plant begin to open when they are 4-5 years old. 

Yellowing leaves indicates that you are watering too much.

The curling of the leaves of the starlice plant indicates that it is not getting enough moisture and warmth. 


It does not like prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. It adapts to all light conditions except direct sunlight. The more light it gets, the faster it will grow.

Drying of half of the soil surface indicates that it needs watering. After watering, make sure that the water that goes down to the roots goes out of the drain hole. Excess water accumulating on the roots will cause rot. 

Because the bird of paradise plant is a tropical plant, it needs room temperature and humidity. 

In the summer and spring months, you can apply a nutritional supplement once a month. 


Spatiphyllium flower should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It may tend towards the direction where it receives sunlight. The direction that does not receive daylight should be turned to daylight at regular intervals. Thus, the tendency of the flower to one direction can be prevented. When our plants receive little light, fading and darkening occur in their flowers.


Spatiphyllium flower should be watered twice a week in summer and once a week in winter months. The basic rule in irrigation is that the plant should be watered as the soil dries, in order to understand whether the soil is dry or wet, we can understand whether it is dry or wet by dipping our finger into the soil. If it is wet, we should leave our watering to the next irrigation day, since our plant has not yet finished the water in the soil.

They prefer fibrous and sandy soils. They like shade and semi-shade areas. It does not like direct sunlight. It needs an average temperature of 18-20 degrees during the development period. In winter, a temperature of 15 degrees is sufficient. The soil should be kept moist in winter and watered with lime-free and warm water. It requires a lot of water in the spring and summer, but do not make the soil overly watery.


Aloe vera is a very beneficial plant for the skin besides its pleasant appearance. However, there are important points to be considered in aloe vera care at home. You can grow aloe vera at home very easily. For this, you have to be very careful in soil selection. Aloe vera should be rich in humus and organic matter. 


Aloe vera plants are native to the tropics, but are often grown as houseplants in a variety of climates. Caring for an aloe vera plant is easy once you know the basic principles. 

You should keep your aloe vera, which is a healthy plant, in a bright area with sunlight. Take care to keep it in warm environments during the winter season. You can put the plant outside in the summer, as long as there is no chance of frost. Aloe plants are made up of 95 percent water, and even a slight cold can freeze them.

You don't need to water your aloe vera every day. However, make sure that the soil is completely dry before watering. Because over watering can rot the roots of your plant. Also, always choose the same day and time for watering. There are several common pests on the aloe vera plant, such as mealybugs. These beetles are flat and brown or tan and like to suck sap from aloe plants. To prevent them, you can use a natural, non-toxic pesticide on aloe vera.


The camel sole plant is a plant that grows in the rainforest. In rainforests, the larger leaves that develop on top puncture and space themselves apart so that the lower leaves can also receive sunlight. It symbolizes compassion and love. Its large green leaves are believed to radiate positive energy.


Camel sole plant develops faster in environments where it receives sunlight. It is recommended to irrigate with regular and lime-free water. It likes daylight, but if its leaves start to turn yellow, it's helpful to move it away from daylight a little. 

Watering your camel sole plant twice a week from spring to autumn and once a week in winter will make it happy. On hot and humid days, you can control the wetness of the soil of the plant with your finger, and if the soil is dry, you can support its development by adding water.

Camel soles prefer bright environments where they do not receive direct sunlight. 

You can contribute to plant development by applying nutritional supplements in summer and spring. Regularly wiping the leaves with a wet, damp cloth will open the pores of your plant, allowing it to grow faster. In addition, it will prevent the formation of harmful insects.

The drooping leaves of the Monstera plant indicate a problem with irrigation. We can prevent this situation, which occurs due to low irrigation, by watering our plant regularly. It is important for the health of the plant to increase the humidity level of the environment where the plant is located. 


Ficus bonsai tree is a preferred plant for growing indoors. Ficus bonsai, which has different meanings, is a plant that started to be grown in Egypt in ancient times and later reflected in different regions. It symbolizes the life cycles of rebirth, growth and development. The earth expresses the harmony between human and nature. .


When caring for the Ficus Bonsai tree, it is necessary to make sure that the environment is airy and bright. The place where it is located in the house should be in front of the sunny window. It should be watered with drinking water once a week. Constant change of place, watering too much or leaving it without water causes the leaves to fall. Regular watering ensures healthy growth